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CMS Tree Page View

CMS Tree Page View

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

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344 Reviews - Trustscore 4.88


About Up CMS Tree Page View

CMS Tree Page View is a WordPress plugin that adds a CMS-like tree overview of all your pages and custom posts. It provides a user-friendly interface similar to the view found in page-focused CMS platforms. With CMS Tree Page View, you can easily manage, edit, view, search, and rearrange your pages.

Features and Highlights:

  • View your pages and custom posts in a tree-view, similar to file views in Windows Explorer or Finder in OS X.
  • Drag and drop functionality allows you to easily rearrange and reorder your pages.
  • Add pages after or inside existing pages.
  • Add multiple pages at once, making it convenient for setting up a new site structure.
  • Edit and view pages directly within the tree view.
  • Search for specific pages using the search function.
  • Works with both regular pages and custom posts.
  • Supports both hierarchical and non-hierarchical post types.
  • View your site hierarchy directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Drag and drop between trees with different post types to change the post type of the dragged item.
  • Compatible with the translation plugin WPML, allowing management of multilingual sites.

Show pages on your site in the same order as CMS Tree Page View

To display your pages on your website in the same order as they appear in CMS Tree Page View, you must sort them by "menu order".

// Example using query_posts
$args = array(
  'post_type' => 'page',
  'orderby'=> 'menu_order',
$posts = query_posts($args);

// Example using wp_query
$args = array(
    'post_type' => 'page',
    'orderby' => 'menu_order',
    'order' => 'ASC',
$query = new WP_Query( $args );


Watch this screencast to see how easy it is to manage your pages using CMS Tree Page View:

[Embed YouTube screencast here]


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October 20, 2023





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CMS2CMS Connector

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Headless CMS

The Headless CMS plugin is a WordPress plugin that enhances WordPress to function as a headless CMS (Content Management System) with any front-end environment by utilizing the WordPress REST API. This plugin offers several features that can be used individually or in combination to suit the needs of different front-end applications. Features Custom REST API Endpoints: The plugin adds custom REST API endpoints to retrieve specific data from WordPress based on user-defined parameters. Social links in customizer: Users can add social links to their WordPress site through the customizer. Image uploads for categories: The plugin allows users to upload images for different categories in WordPress. Custom header and footer menus: Users can create custom menus for the header and footer sections of their WordPress site. Custom Widgets: The plugin provides custom widgets that can be added to the WordPress site. Custom Header, Footer, Schema GraphQL fields (with the wp-graphql plugin): When used in conjunction with the wp-graphql plugin, the Headless CMS plugin adds custom header, footer, and schema fields for GraphQL. Additional Details Social Links in Customizer The plugin allows users to add social links to their WordPress site through the customizer. Custom Menus Two custom menus are registered: one for the header (menu location = hcms-menu-header) and one for the footer (menu location = hcms-menu-footer). Sidebars HCMS Footer #1 with sidebar id 'hcms-sidebar-1' HCMS Footer #2 with sidebar id 'hcms-sidebar-2' Custom REST API Endpoints Get single post (GET request): http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/post?post_id=1 Get posts by page no. (GET request): http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/posts?page_no=1 Get header and footer data (GET request): - Get header data (site title, site description, site logo URL, menu items): http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/header-footer?header_location_id=hcms-menu-header&footer_location_id=hcms-menu-footer - Get posts by taxonomy: http://example.com/wp-json/rae/v1/posts-by-tax?post_type=post&taxonomy=category&slug=xyz More Features Sections for social icons in the customizer Social icon URLs for 'facebook', 'twitter', 'instagram', 'youtube' Image upload features for categories Users can upload images for categories in WordPress Plugin Settings Page Settings for custom pages like Hero section, Search section, Featured post section, latest posts heading Installation and Use To install the Headless CMS plugin: Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress Configure the plugin settings, such as adding social icons, creating custom menus, and uploading images for categories. Demo of Frontend Applications A demo of an example React front-end application that utilizes the Headless CMS plugin can be found [insert URL to demo]. This demo showcases how the plugin can be integrated with a React front-end to create a fully functional website. Statistics Number of downloads: [insert number] Rating: [insert average rating] Active installations: [insert number] Compatible up to: [insert compatible WordPress version] Last updated: [insert last update date] For more information and documentation on the Headless CMS plugin, visit the official website: [insert URL]

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Logo Project Niche Website Builders
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Niche Website Builders

We believe we offer the most comprehensive content creation service for content publishers available. The service we offer is truly hands off from keywords research to publishing the content. We conduct the keyword research using the same keyword selection process we use to grow our own 6 figure portfolios. We have an onboarding call with every new customer to take them through our process personally and to understand the goals and aspirations you have for your site or portfolio so that we can help you get there. We upload and optimize the content directly in to your site ready for publishing. Researching and deciding a niche is one of the biggest hurdle’s beginners face. There are literally hundreds of guides, each with different methods – information overload. Managing our own 6 figure portfolio, we know what niches are profitable and which to avoid!

This project was last updated September 29, 2022 byCloodo

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