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DGNR Manager

DGNR Manager

This project was last updated September 23, 2022 byCloodo

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File manager using the GTK library, designed to be used with keyboard.
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September 23, 2022



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Logo Project Information Reel
Rating of Project Information Reel on Cloodo

3 Reviews

Information Reel

Information Reel is a WordPress plugin that allows users to create a scrolling reel containing titles, images, and descriptions on their website. It is a useful way to announce messages or showcase important information to users. The plugin offers easy installation and customization options. Users can easily configure the scroll settings and choose whether to display the title with a link and include an image in the scroll. The plugin also supports localization, making it easy to translate the content into different languages. Features of this plugin include: Easy installation. Easy customization. Easy scroll setting. Option to display title with link. Option to display image in the scroll. Supports localization. To configure the plugin, users can go to the Widgets page under the Appearance menu and drag and drop the Information Reel widget into their sidebar. Frequently Asked Questions Q1. Can we display more announcements at the same time? Yes, since the scroll is scrollable, it can display multiple announcements simultaneously. Q2. Can we display announcements in random order? Yes, the plugin provides an option to display the announcements in a random order. Q3. Can we arrange the announcement scroll order? Yes, the plugin allows users to specify the order position of the announcements. Q4. Can we hide any announcement temporarily? Yes, the plugin offers a display option to hide any announcement temporarily. Q5. Can we set an expiration for announcements? Currently, the plugin does not include an option to set an expiration for announcements. However, the developers plan to add this feature in future versions. Q6. Why is my reel content out of range? This can occur if the height setting in the widget form is too low. Users can try increasing the height to fix the issue. Q7. Why is my reel content merging with each other? If the height setting in the widget form is too low, the content may overlap. Increasing the height should solve the problem. Q8. How many messages can be displayed at the same time? The number of messages displayed at the same time can be set in the widget form page. Q9. What is "Same Time Display," "Text Length," and "Content Group"? "Same Time Display" refers to the number of announcements shown on the screen simultaneously. "Text Length" allows users to specify the maximum length for the announcement description. "Content Group" is used for grouping content. For example, selecting "GROUP1" in the widget form will display content from the "GROUP1" group in the frontend. For more information and tutorials, users can check the official website or refer to the plugin documentation. Translators Tamil (ta) - Gopi Ramasamy Polish (pl_PL) - Abdul Sattar

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Desko - Desktop Online
Rating of Project Desko - Desktop Online on Cloodo

0 Reviews

Desko - Desktop Online

Desko - Desktop Online, interfaces with other web applications and serves as a central organizing location for your files and other online activities. The objective is to put the end user in control of their online data and give you the freedom to choose

This project was last updated September 23, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project Devise
Rating of Project Devise on Cloodo

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Devise is a flexible authentication solution for Rails that is based on Warden, a general Rack authentication framework. It is a complete MVC solution based on Rails engines that lets you have several models signed in at the same time. It consists of 10 modules: 1. Authenticatable Module, responsible for password hashing and validating user authenticity when signing in 2. Omniauthable adds OmniAuth support 3. Confirmable is responsible for verifying if an account is already confirmed during sign in 4. Recoverable oversees the resetting of the user password and sends reset instructions 5. Registerable handles all aspects related to registering a new resource 6. Rememberable takes care of generating and clearing token for remembering the user from a saved cookie 7. Trackable tracks info about user sign in 8. Timeoutable expires inactive sessions 9. Validatable provides email and password validations, and lastly 10. Lockable, which locks an account after some failed sign-ins Modularity concept, with 10 different modulesAllows for multiple simultaneous signed in modelsCommunity-made extensions for added functionality

This project was last updated September 23, 2022 byCloodo

Logo Project K1anime Forum RPG
Rating of Project K1anime Forum RPG on Cloodo

0 Reviews

K1anime Forum RPG

EPIC RPG planned for the K1anime.com forums

This project was last updated September 28, 2022 byCloodo

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