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Embed Any Document

Embed Any Document

This project was last updated October 21, 2023 byCloodo

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88 Reviews - Trustscore 4.25


About Up Embed Any Document

Embed Any Document is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily embed PDF, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents in your website. It integrates with Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your documents directly on your site.

With Embed Any Document, you can upload and embed documents with ease. It works perfectly with both the Gutenberg block editor and the classic editor. You also have the option to add a download link below your embedded document.

Version 2.7.0 of Embed Any Document brings some new features, including a document pre-loader for better performance and user experience. This plugin also offers a live demo to show you its capabilities.

Supported File Types

  • Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOTM, DOTX)
  • Microsoft Excel (XLS, XLSX, XLSB, XLSM)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT, PPTX, PPSX, PPS, PPTM, POTM, PPAM, POTX, PPSM)
  • Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)

Supported Viewers

  • Google Docs Viewer (PDF & Office Documents)
  • Microsoft Office Online (Office Documents Only)
  • Browser Native Viewer (PDF Only)
  • [PLUS VERSION] Google Drive Viewer (Stable and high-performance viewer for documents hosted with Google Drive)
  • [PLUS VERSION] One Drive Viewer (Document viewer for documents hosted in OneDrive)
  • [PLUS VERSION] Box.com Viewer (Viewer for all documents hosted in Box.com with advanced security options to disable download button, add password, etc)

Key Benefits of Embed Any Document WordPress Plugin

  1. Easy to Upload and Embed: Embed Any Document seamlessly integrates into both the Classic Editor and the Block Editor. With a single click, you can upload and embed your documents.

  2. No 3rd Party Plugin Needed: This plugin utilizes Google Docs Viewer and Microsoft Office Online to display your docume

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October 21, 2023





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Logo Project Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar
Rating of Project Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar on Cloodo

91 Reviews

Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar

WordPress Most Popular Social Share Plugin The Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar is a WordPress plugin that allows website owners to easily add social share buttons to their website. With this plugin, users can share their website posts, pages, and products on popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Pinterest, and more. The plugin is designed to be lightweight, customizable, and extendable, ensuring that it does not affect the site's speed. One of the key features of the plugin is the floating sidebar that displays the social share buttons. Users have the option to choose the position of the floating sidebar (left, right, or bottom) and the position of the social buttons (left or right). The plugin also offers options to manage the style of the buttons, add custom images for each social button, and set a background color for the buttons. Additionally, the Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar plugin provides a shortcode that allows users to easily insert the social share buttons into their content. The shortcode can specify which buttons to display, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Email, and Skype. The plugin also offers several other features, including the ability to edit the "Show Buttons" and "Hide Buttons" messages, disable the sidebar on mobile devices, auto close the sidebar buttons on page load, hide the "Share This!" button, and choose the position of the share buttons (above or below content). For users who want even more features, there is a Pro addon available. The addon includes responsive floating sidebar, the ability to hide the sidebar on specific pages or post types, the option to show social share buttons on specific pages or post types, a responsive lightbox contact form, the ability to define Open Graph tags for share window content, extra buttons (Xing, Instagram, Whatsapp, Digg, Yummly, Vk, Buffer, Line, Skype, RSS, Print, G-Mail, Blogger, Tumbler, Delicious, Weibo, Telegram, Google Translate, Phone, and SMS), and much more. The Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar plugin is a powerful tool for website owners who want to increase their social engagement and drive high-quality referrals to their website. Features Lightweight (No extra JS/CSS) Shortcode An option to add Custom Image for any social button An option to add background color for social button Floating Sidebar Standard Share Buttons for every post/page Show/Hide options for any button An option to edit message ("Show Buttons", "Hide Buttons", etc.) An option to set position of floating sidebar (Left/Right/Bottom) An option to set position of social buttons (Left/Right) An option to manage style of buttons An option to disable sidebar on mobile An advanced feature for Pinterest share buttons An option to auto close sidebar buttons on page load An option to hide "Share This!" button on page/post An option to show share buttons position (above content/below content) Go Pro The Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar plugin also offers a Pro addon that includes additional features to enhance the functionality of the free version. The addon provides a responsive floating sidebar, the ability to hide the sidebar on home, blog, search, category, or author pages, the option to hide the sidebar on specific post types or taxonomy types, the ability to show or hide social share buttons on specific pages or post types, a responsive lightbox contact form, the ability to define Open Graph tags for share window content, extra buttons (Xing, Instagram, Whatsapp, Digg, Yummly, Vk, Buffer, Line, Skype, RSS, Print, G-Mail, Blogger, Tumbler, Delicious, Weibo, Telegram, Google Translate, Phone, and SMS), and many other advanced options and customization features. The Custom Share Buttons with Floating Sidebar plugin and its Pro addon are essential tools for WordPress website owners who want to optimize their social sharing capabilities and engage their audience effectively.

This project was last updated October 21, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Simple Download Monitor
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88 Reviews

Simple Download Monitor

Simple Download Monitor is a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily manage and track your digital file downloads. The plugin was developed to provide a simple and efficient way to monitor the number of downloads for your files and documents. With Simple Download Monitor, you can password protect your downloadable files, assign categories and tags to them, and use a rich text editor to provide a description for each item. It also allows you to show trackable download buttons anywhere on your website using shortcodes. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface for uploading, managing, monitoring, and tracking file downloads. It logs the IP addresses of users who download your files along with the date and time of each download. You can also view daily download counts in a chart format. Some of the key features of Simple Download Monitor include: Easy file and document management Drag and drop file uploads Password protection for downloads Download counter for each file Tracking of IP addresses, date, and time of downloads Customizable "Download Now" buttons Search and sort functionality for downloadable files Export of download logs to a CSV file Option to disable download monitoring for certain items Available language translations for international users The plugin also offers additional features such as the ability to show download counters, set download count offsets, display file size and version information, and create password-protected download buttons. It also provides integrations with Google reCAPTCHA and allows you to insert Adsense or other ad code inside the download item display. Who Should Use Simple Download Monitor? Simple Download Monitor is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to manage and track digital file downloads on their WordPress website. It can be used by content creators, digital product sellers, educators, and anyone who wants to securely share files with their audience. The plugin provides an efficient way to monitor the popularity of your downloadable content and gain insights into user behavior. Why Use Simple Download Monitor? Simple Download Monitor offers a comprehensive solution for managing and tracking file downloads. Using this plugin, you can easily upload, categorize, and protect your downloadable files. It provides download statistics and logs, allowing you to track user activity and measure the success of your digital content. With customizable download buttons and various display options, you can provide a seamless download experience for your users. How to Use Simple Download Monitor? To start using Simple Download Monitor, you simply need to install and activate the plugin on your WordPress website. Once activated, you can access the plugin settings to configure options such as download button color and admin preferences. You can then add new downloads by providing a title, description, and uploading the file. Shortcodes are available to display download buttons on your posts, pages, or widgets. For more detailed instructions and usage documentation, you can visit the official Simple Download Monitor Plugin page. The page provides step-by-step guides, tutorials, and additional resources to help you make the most of the plugin. You can also find the plugin's GitHub repository here. Statistics The Simple Download Monitor plugin has gained popularity among WordPress users with over X downloads and X active installations. It has also received positive reviews and ratings from users who appreciate its simplicity and effectiveness in managing their file downloads. If you require additional action hooks or filters for this plugin, you can reach out to the development team for support.

This project was last updated October 23, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Quotes Collection
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58 Reviews

Quotes Collection

The Quotes Collection plugin is designed to help users collect, manage, and display their favorite quotes on their WordPress website or blog. With its robust admin interface and various features, this plugin provides an efficient solution for organizing and showcasing quotes. Features Admin Interface: The plugin offers a user-friendly admin interface that allows users to add, edit, import, export, and manage their collection of quotes. Sidebar Widget: Users can display a randomly selected quote from their collection in any widget area using the "Random Quote" widget. This widget offers options to manually or automatically refresh the displayed quote, with both random and sequential selection. Gutenberg Blocks: The Quotes Collection plugin includes two blocks that can be added to pages and posts in the Gutenberg editor: The "Quotes" block allows users to display all quotes or a specific set of quotes, with various presentation, filtering, paging, and other customization options. (NEW in version 2.5) The "Random Quote" block functions similarly to the Random Quote widget, but with additional presentation options. Shortcode: Users can use the [quotcoll] shortcode to display all quotes or a specific set of quotes on a WordPress page. This shortcode supports various arguments for customization. Examples of the shortcode usage are provided on the Plugin Home Page. Template Function: For users who wish to code the random quote functionality directly into a template file, the quotescollection_quote() template function can be used. More information about this function is available on the Plugin Home Page. Import/Export: The plugin supports importing and exporting the collection of quotes in JSON format, allowing for easy backup, migration, or sharing of quotes between websites. Localization The Quotes Collection plugin can be translated into different languages through translate.wordpress.org. Note: The content above is a revised and expanded version of the existing description for the Quotes Collection project. It provides a comprehensive overview of the project, its features, and its benefits to users.

This project was last updated October 20, 2023 byCloodo

Logo Project Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types
Rating of Project Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types on Cloodo

46 Reviews

Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types

Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types is a plugin that allows you to map your Gravity Forms-generated posts to a custom post type and/or custom taxonomies. With this plugin, you can easily customize the post type and taxonomy of the posts created through Gravity Forms, without the need for any coding. This plugin is an add-on for Gravity Forms, which is a powerful form builder plugin for WordPress. By default, Gravity Forms creates form submissions as standard WordPress posts. However, with Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types, you have the flexibility to change the post type of the generated post. Additionally, you can assign the generated post to a custom taxonomy, allowing for better organization and categorization of your content. Features Map posts to a custom post type Map posts to a custom taxonomy Map posts to multiple taxonomies Visual hierarchy support for hierarchical taxonomies Populate a Drop Down field with posts Assign a parent post for the generated post Support for Single Line Text field for taxonomies Enhanced UI support for Single Line Text fields Who Should Use Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types? This plugin is ideal for WordPress users who want to have more control over the type of posts created through Gravity Forms. It is especially useful for content-heavy websites or websites that require custom post types and taxonomies for better organization and management of their content. Why Should You Use Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types? Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types offers a simple and intuitive solution for customizing the post type and taxonomy of your Gravity Forms submissions. It eliminates the need for manual coding and allows you to easily map your form fields to custom post types and taxonomies. By using this plugin, you can ensure that the form submissions generated through Gravity Forms are seamlessly integrated into your website's content structure. It also provides a better user experience by allowing you to assign parent posts and populate Drop Down fields with existing posts. Overall, using Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types can streamline your content creation process and improve the organization and structure of your website's content. How to Get Started with Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types To start using Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types, you will need to have the following: A WordPress website with the Gravity Forms plugin installed. The Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types plugin installed and activated. Once you have these requirements, you can start customizing your Gravity Forms submissions by following these steps: Add a Post Title field to your form and open its field settings. Below the "Description" field setting, you will find the "Post Type" setting. Select the desired post type from the drop-down menu. To link a field to a custom taxonomy, add the desired field to your form (Drop Down, Multi Select, Radio Buttons, or Checkboxes fields are currently supported). Open the field settings and click on the "Advanced" tab. Check the "Populate with a Taxonomy" checkbox. Select the desired taxonomy from the drop-down menu. If you want to link the saved post to taxonomies using a Single Line Text field, add the field to your form. Open the field settings and click on the "Advanced" tab. Check the "Save to Taxonomy" checkbox. Select the desired taxonomy from the drop-down menu. (Optional) Check the "Enable Enhanced UI" checkbox to enable an enhanced tag-input style UI for the Single Line Text field. By following these steps, you can easily customize the post type and taxonomy of your Gravity Forms submissions using Gravity Forms + Custom Post Types. Additional Resources For more information and resources on Gravity Forms and customizing your WordPress website, you can visit the following websites: Gravity Forms: The official website for the Gravity Forms plugin. GravityWiz.com: A website with free Gravity Forms resources and add-ons. Gravity Perks: A collection of Gravity Forms plugins.

This project was last updated October 21, 2023 byCloodo

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