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Cloodo - project Listing - Endeavour Agile ALM
Endeavour Agile ALM

Endeavour Agile ALM

This project was last updated September 24, 2022 byCloodo

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About Up Endeavour Agile ALM

Endeavour Agile ALM is an Open Source solution to manage the creation of large-scale enterprise systems in an iterative and incremental agile software development process.
  • Use Case Management
  • Project Plan Management and Charts
  • Iteration Management
  • Change Request Management
  • Wiki Integration with JAMWiki
  • Document Management
  • Test Case Management
  • Defect Tracking
  • Defect Report
  • Assignments Report
  • Task Management
  • Project Glossary
  • Actors Management
  • Status Update Management
  • Iteration Defects By Status and Priority Reports
  • Iteration Cumulative Flow Report
  • Test Plan Management
  • SVN Browser Integration with svenson
  • CI Integration with Hudson
  • Email notifications
  • Fully Internationalizable.
  • Agile
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September 24, 2022





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